Frequently Asked Questions
Loving Hands serves as an excellent alternative to correctional institutions by better addressing the needs of the individual and is more cost effective. (After approval by LHM Staff, some of the men are court ordered to the program)
More than 75% of our graduates are leading successful, drug free, Christian lives, and law-abiding productive citizens.
Drugs, alcohol, rock music, (and other types of addicting music), sexual perversion, rebellion and all evil addictions are only symptoms of SIN, which is the root problem in the heart of all mankind. When the cause is dealt with, the symptoms vanish!
The only cure for SIN and it’s symptoms is Jesus Christ, who said, “You must be born again.” John 3:3b
When Jesus Christ abides in a person, He replaces the desire for sinful things with a desire to do God’s will and enables the person who sincerely wants to change to do so. 2 Corinthians 5:17. “If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things become new.”
The men learn to change their habits and life-styles by renewing their mind with God’s word while living in a disciplined, loving, family atmosphere. This is accomplished by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.
As an Individual submits to God’s will and walks in harmony with Him, he will become a Changed Man with the ability to become a valuable asset to the Kingdom of God and the human race!
The Greatest abuse suffered by America’s children, is to deny them the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and His word.
We can best help our youth by modeling Godly character. Proverbs 22:6 & 1 John 2:6
We have not forgotten: There are still millions of God-loving, Parent honoring Christian Youth who shine as lights in a sin darkened world !
“Drugs may be stored in the fatty tissues of the body, such as the brain for several months.. Their slow release may cause delayed effects, ie., flashbacks & cravings, even though drug use has stopped.” (U.S. Dept. of Education)
Before attempting to re-enter a man into society, Loving Hands also offers him educational and vocational training opportunities when possible.